
In these day’s market economy it is necessary to be able to assert itself in an authoritative way in order to satisfy the requirements of the Customers and in order to guarantee them the maximum of the quality.
It is in the light of the continuos evolution that our company has felt the need to define a system of quality.
For this there are proposals to catch up precise targets to guarantee the quality of our products so as:
To satisfy the waits of the Customers in relation to the continuous evolution of the market
Ensure compliance to the 2014-68 EU-Directive (PED and ASME) pressure equipment designed,
manufactured and tested by the organization
To optimize the expectations of the management for that it concerns the quality of the product
To respect the regulations and enforced requirement of law caring the job norms
To respect a job plan that is at the same time competitive and profitable
All the dependents of our company assure a total engagement for being able to catch up targets eithin a complete collaboration between management and dependent.
For the realization of all thet, the Rota’s Carpentery is engaged to formalize own quality in relation of that norms:
“UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 Quality management systems”, controlling meticulously the respect of requirement in contractual relatioships, the constant conformity to the quality system and the entire satisfaction of the organic that, inside of the company, works with pride for the attainment of prefixed targets.
The management coherently engages to audit systematically the principes of the quality exposed here with the needs and
the expectations of the Customers, the dependents, the associates, the suppliers and the collectivity.
OPERATORS (Acc. Di SNT-TC-1a e EN 9712) No.1 LEVEL 3 external consultant, method RT - PT - MT - UT - VT - LT - H.M.S. No.1 LIVEL 2, method RT - PT - MT - UT - VT internal Welding procedures qualified according to ISO 15614 e 15613 ed ASME CODE SECTION IX
Welders and qualified according to ISO 9606-1 e ASME CODE SECTION IX