

Carpenteria Meccanica Luigi Rota srl ​​has as its objective: quality and 

The design and production of mechanical carpentry Luigi Rota srl ​​is managed 
by a staff of professionals, technologies and advanced programs.

Carpentry Meccanica Luigi Rota srl ​​is always careful and scrupulous to meet 
all the needs of customers in all its nuances.

The key word of the Mechanical Carpentry Luigi Rota srl ​​is called flexibility and 
it wants to be a policy aimed at the result that allows you to accept even the 
most difficult challenges.


Construction code : 
 ASME VIII Div. 1&2, EN13445 (Direttiva 2014-68-UE), VSR/S/M, CODAP, PD5500, RToD,


Mechanical calculations : 
 PV Elite: ASME VIII div. 1&2, EN 13445, code TEMA AD – Merkblatt 2000

RToD, VSR e VSG for italian regulation WRC 107/297 Bulletin Methods, Zick’s method.

Calculation of finite elements in 2D / 3D with dedicated software